Our team welcomes you to Velda Rose United Methodist Church!
Pastor Ann is an ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church, appointed to serve Velda Rose UMC since July of 2022. Prior to coming to Velda Rose, Pastor Ann served at Scottsdale UMC and, before that, several churches in Las Vegas, NV, including a new church start.
What can I tell you about me that will help you know me better...I have three daughters, the youngest in college. My husband and I, along with our dog Smidge, enjoy cooking and hiking and twice we have summitted Wheeler Peak in Great Basin National Park! I love to sing, to garden, and to learn. I am a self-confessed worship geek--I love all kinds of worship and think it is important that worship is accessible, meaningful, and also that it challenges us to grow. I think learning and continuing to grow as a person and as a Christian is critical. And I believe that the most important Christian characteristic is love, love of God and love of all the people God loves (which is ALL people). Having said that, I'm not perfect at loving everyone yet--but I am continuing to grow and would love to help you grow too.